Deeded Body Required Forms

Deeded Body Required Forms

#1 of 4 - Deed of Disposition - Choose the Appropriate Form Complete and Print

  •  Deed of Disposition Please use this form if you are the individual donating.
  •  Deed of Disposition by Next of Kin - Please use this form if the individual donating is unable to sign and you are the LEGAL NEXT OF KIN.
  •  Deed of Disposition by Power of Attorney - Please use this form if you have the LEGAL AUTHORIZED POWER OF ATTORNEY for the individual donating.  If the power of attorney is signing the authorization to donate, please provide a copy of the Power of Attorney document for the Deeded Body Program files.

#2 of 4 - Medical History Form - Complete and Print

#3 of 4 - Donor Information Form - Complete and Print

#4 of 4 - Final Disposition Form - Complete and Print

Deeded Body Stone


The Four Forms To:
The University of Iowa 
Deeded Body Program
51 Newton Road
Building 1-402 BSB
Iowa City, Iowa 52242