See our commonly asked questions below.

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What is the teacher to student ratio?

At our maximum capacity, the ratio is 2:1 (16 students to 8 faculty)

What do alumni of the MCA program do?

Most alumni are successful in applying to and being admitted into professional programs. Of our 19 former students who have gone onto professional school, 14 have been admitted into the Carver College of Medicine or the College of Dentistry at University of Iowa. 

Multiple alumni have chosen other ventures rather than professional school such as teaching anatomy or have gone into industry. See a list of where our alumni go after completing the program at the bottom of the MCA Students page here.  

What is the average GPA of admitted students?

The average GPA of incoming students is roughly 3.30.

What is the tuition for the program?

See the Tuition & Fee Tables for graduate residents and non-residents.

Does the program offer financial assistance?

The program does not currently offer scholarships or financial aid (outside of that offered at the university level). There are options for short-term paid positions related to tutoring and research, which are generally available for students in spring (year 1), summer, and fall (year 2) semesters.

Is it possible for an out-of-state student to establish Iowa residency?

Students who are non-residents may choose to establish residency in Iowa, especially in advance of application to professional schools within the state of Iowa (i.e., Carver College of Medicine).

Establishing residency for a non-resident requires application and documentation demonstrating they are in Iowa for reasons other than education including earned income in Iowa, obtaining an Iowa driver’s license, filing Iowa state taxes, not relying on financial resources outside Iowa, limited credit enrollment, and several other factors.

See a complete description of the requirements to obtain residency from the Office of the Registrar. Contact for questions about establishing residency.

How long does it take to complete the requirements of the MCA degree?

The MCA program takes a year and a half to complete, comprised of a fall and spring semester (year 1) and another fall semester (year 2). Students who complete all components of the curriculum on time can expect to graduate at the end of the fall semester of year 2. Students must complete 32 credit hours of the program in order to receive the Master of Clinical Anatomy degree.

Can the program be completed early?

No. The fall semester of the second year contains several electives and a required course, all of which are only offered that semester.

Does the program require enrollment during the summer semester?

No, summer enrollment is not required. However, participating during the Summer semester may help distribute second year curriculum requirements over two semesters.

Can I work during this program?

Yes, you may work while completing the MCA program. However, no special accommodations can be made to provide flexibility around a work schedule. We strongly encourage students who are considering finding or keeping a job to ensure they have the capacity to also dedicate adequate time to this rigorous graduate program.