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2024-2025 Curriculum
The program is designed to be completed in 16 months and has required courses in Fall (Year 1), Spring (Year 1), and Fall (Year 2), with the option to take electives in the Summer semester between years one and two.
The curriculum includes both online and in-person courses. The master’s degree (MCA) is awarded upon satisfactory completion of 1) 32 hours of coursework and 2) successful completion of the comprehensive assessment. This is a non-thesis degree.
Note that for graduate students, full-time enrollment in the fall and spring semesters is a minimum of 9 s.h. and in the summer semester is 5 s.h. Half-time enrollment in the fall and spring semesters is 5-6 s.h. and in the summer semester is 3 s.h. This should be taken into consideration for financial aid when determining course schedules for Summer Year 1 (if necessary) and Fall Year 2.
Students must complete 25 credit hours of required courses, outlined by semester below.
Students must select additional graduate-level course work to complete the remaining 7 semester hours required for the MCA. Elective courses should be considered for FA Y2 and/or summer semesters.
Curriculum by Semester
Human Gross Anatomy for Graduate Students 5 s.h.
General Histology Online 4 s.h.
Teaching and Learning in the Anatomical Sciences 2 s.h.
Seminar in Anatomical Sciences (Fall) 1 s.h.
Functional Neuroanatomy 4 s.h.
Human Embryology Online 2 s.h.
Case-Based Learning I 2 s.h.
Seminar in Anatomical Sciences (Spring) 1 s.h.
Elective(s) 1 - 7 s.h.
Case-Based Learning II 2 s.h.
Anatomy Through Imaging 2 s.h.
Elective(s) 1 - 7 s.h.
Practicum in College Teaching 2 - 4 s.h.
(Maximum of 4 s.h. contributing to degree)
Advanced Neuroimaging* 1 s.h.
Advanced Osteology* 1 s.h.
Art & Anatomy* 1 s.h.
Surface Anatomy* 1 s.h.
Graduate Research in Cell and Developmental Biology 1 - 5 s.h.
(Maximum of 5 s.h. contributing to degree)
Teaching Elective in Regional Anatomy 2 s.h.
Advanced Human Anatomy₸^ 4 s.h.
Other courses with Advisor/Director approval 1 - 3 s.h.
(Maximum of 3 s.h. contributing to degree)
* = Offered only in Fall semesters
₸ = Offered only in Spring semesters
^ = With Course Director approval
CIRTL Certification
MCA students are eligible for certification in the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) at the Associate Level. MCA students meet the CIRTL Associate Level requirements by successfully completing BOTH of the following courses:
- ACB:7001 Teaching and Learning in the Anatomical Sciences (with a grade of A+, A, A-, or B+) – this is a required course in the program
- ACB:7400 Practicum in College Teaching MCA (with a grade of A+, A, A-, or B+) – this is an elective course in the program
CIRTL certification demonstrates commitment to integrating principles of learning theory to improve teaching. Certification appears on your transcript and is a great way to help your portfolio as you continue on your professional and/or educational journey.
To complete the registration for CIRTL Associate Level, email